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Self Care Behaviors
Compiled from multiple studies and programs, Hope Warshaw MMSc, RD, CDCES, BC-ADM, FADCES presents 8 successful strategies for weight loss. She covers tips including getting started, what to focus on, and how to achieve weight loss.
Self Care Behaviors
A short introduction to healthcare professionals in the field of diabetes.
Self Care Behaviors
Explore how discovery learning using blood glucose monitoring results may assist clinicians in altering diabetes outcomes.
Self Care Behaviors
Learn how a structured, Discovery-Based Approach can be a powerful approach to sustained diabetes behavior change.
Self Care Behaviors
How to kickstart a conversation with your patients.
Self Care Behaviors
Multicultural societies exist worldwide, and culture can greatly impact the success of self-managed treatment plans. Diabetes management requires people to engage in multiple healthy behaviors that are shaped by an individual’s culture, and culturally appropriate diabetes care requires practitioners to have competencies in specific areas of cultural knowledge. Amparo Gonzalez, MPH, RN, CDCES, FADCES presents on culturally relevant diabetes care for the Latino population.
Self Care Behaviors
Understanding and overcoming obstacles your patients with diabetes may encounter.